Everything about home renovations

Nobody ever said no to a better-looking and upgraded home. But where do you start? How much does it cost? Who should you work with? And what are the benefits? There can be many questions when it comes to home renovations. And we have a lot of the answers!

Why renovate your space?

Do you want to upgrade the way you're living? You may need more space, or a second bathroom would make things easier during those busy mornings. Maybe your partner wants to turn that unused space into a hobby room, or the kids need their own bedrooms. The possibilities of an unused space are almost endless!

You may even want to sell later, so you'd like to increase your home's value. New windows, a heat pump, and added insulation are examples of improvements that can decrease energy costs and pay for themselves over time. More efficient homes are also more attractive to buyers if you want to sell since they know prices will be lower in an energy-efficient home.

How about the simple fact that you just want to better enjoy the space you are living in? On average, we spend 90% of our lives indoors - so our homes should be as comfortable and aesthetically pleasing as possible.

Whatever your reasons for embarking on a home renovation, we are here to help!

The spaces in your home

Why renovate?

Daylight Design Advisory

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Articles on renovation

Getting off to a good start with your house renovation project
Planning a home renovation? Read on! A house renovation is a big project that requires detailed planning of everything from budgets and timelines to demolition, reconstruction, and window placement. Get off to a good start with this checklist.
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Save energy with a smart home
The future is now. We have the technology to create more efficient, healthier homes, and VELUX roof windows are a part of it. Smart homes are here to stay, and we can optimise our living conditions with integrated technology and smartphones. Smartphones enable us to monitor and control devices at home, which can substantially impact several health benefits. Since Rome wasn’t built in a day, every smart home starts with connecting one appliance to another and then letting it evolve from there. 
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Reimagine your living room with these living room renovation ideas
The living room is the centre of the house. It's where we spend most of our time at home - from hanging out with family and friends to curling up on the sofa to watch our favourite TV series. Making the most of this space is essential, especially if you're renovating! Here's a list of ideas that will help you plan your living room renovation.
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 Design your home office with daylight
Following the pandemic, working from home has become the normal way of life for many of us. Even if you enjoy a hybrid working situation, alternating between the office and your house, it is vital to create yourself an enjoyable and relaxing space to work for when you are at home. The best way to achieve this is by ensuring your working space has plenty of natural light.
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Are you considering new bathroom windows? Here’s why roof windows are a bright idea
The bathroom is a neglected room in many homes. You may already know that we spend up to half of our lives in our bedrooms, so have you considered how much of your life is spent in the bathroom? A general estimate is that you spend 1 hour and 42 minutes per week in your bathroom. This alone is a great reason to transform your bathroom into an inviting and cosy environment where you enjoy spending time.  When creating a gorgeous bathroom, roof windows are a great addition.
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Room lighting for kids: use daylight from above
Inspire growth, learning, and creativity when you install roof windows in your child's room. Adding roof windows can improve children's sleep, help them concentrate, and create a healthy, playful environment for many years to come. If you want to create a fun and inspiring room for your children, make the most of your ‘fifth wall’ (i.e. the ceiling) by installing a roof window to give their space the best possible light.
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